Boats I've known and operated . . .


136’ 1930 Consolidated. Rick captained 2011-2014.


65' J. Murray Watts fantail, built by Edward E. Johnson, Tacoma 1925. Owned from 1994 through 2005.


Our first boat with kids. A 26' converted Navy Motor Launch, purchased from Mark Freeman at Fremont Boat.

Gypsy Heart, June 1970

My first boat! A Norwegian built 22-square Meter.


A 17' "Sun Cat" cat boat by Com-Pac Yachts. Post Argosy, this was my San Juan Islands weekender.


2008 80' Ocean Alexander.

Captained and maintained 2005 to 2008, including one trip to Alaska.

Lu Lu Belle

Hull lengthening engineered and Coast Guard approvals by Rick.


100’ 1926 Ted Geary/ Blanchard Boat. Engineering support 1990’s+, Captain 2014-2021.

Nordic Tugs 32

Rick was hired to test and evaluate the full line of Nordic Tugs for European EC certification.


1929 92’ New York Yacht, Launch & Engine Co. Rick Captained from 2008 through 2017.


1928 42’ Lake Union Dreamboat. Our family boat from 1942 through 1978.

Snoflake (Sistership)

A 33’ Pearson Vanguard. Rick was caretaker for many years, for an Eastern Washington owner.


1974 Willard Vega. Owned one named Kalena 1990-1994, now own one named Sunshine.